A Prayer for President Obama

about your effectiveness today.
So I'm taking time from my busy business day
and putting forth your name before the Lord anyway
This meditation is a petition to God to grant you the strength to say
to the entrenched powerful elite in Washington
Your time is done -- the people want
justice now engaged
and I trust that God Grants you the insight
and grace to sway
The corrupt corporate interests back to health care
policies that are righteous and sane
I know in the interest of healing you extended
an olive branch after the heat of the fray
But now a bigger stick needs to be wielded
in the public interest to make some headway
Mr President we will no longer sit silently and stay
like a trained dog on a leash while the economy
continues to decay
So stand on the hope you so elegantly proclaimed
Mr. Executive for common people are hurting and
we need some change -- like yesterday
A Prayer for Mr. Obama (c) Copyright 2010 Kamau Austin All Rights Reserved, Resident Montclair New Jersey
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