Fly my Sistas FLY! A Poem by Kamau Austin

By Kamau Austin Montclair, NJ
Fly My Sistas Fly.
You are the source of great inspiration.
Thank you for your love, caring, encouragement and
You've helped pull us up from the brink of devastation and
built a warm foundation for better civilization.
Your Radiance & Beauty outshines any star...
You're a Metaphor for Majesty just being who you are.
Don't for an Instant doubt YOUR POWer
my BeautiFUL FLOWER...
Your Care is Profound and Felt From -- Hour to Hour.
To be encouraged by YOU is RICHER than any treasure.
The suppleness of your REGAL beauty is beyond
any description or measure.
Fly my Sista You're FLY!
(c) 2010 Kamau Austin All Rights Reserved, Montclair NJ
Labels: poems to women, positive women poems, Women affirmations
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