Rise Sista Rise Poem by Kamau Austin

You've supported the weight of the family,
sometimes by yourself for far too long.
So I celebrate your greatness
with the verses of this poem.
Only accept the best in love. My beautiful dove...
The divine in you is imprinted from God's nature above.
Believe in yourself, don't be demoralized by
some males who're up to no good.
Who only seek to objectify your beauty and personhood.
ignore the ignorance with grace
like only a true lady could.
If you stand like a tower,
my beautiful flower
men will respect you like
they definitely should.
In my last poem I asked you to Fly.
But this is a poetry prequel first
you must now riSE!
Rise my Sista, from lies and false claims.
Rise my Sista from the brutality and pain.
Rise my Sista, from the venom and distain.
Rise my Sista towards your fame and acclaim.
The profoundity of your Unlimited protential for
a real man is a prize.
He'll value your brilliance and compell you to rISE!
Rise my sista, from the State-House to the hood.
Rise my sista - its your time -- its all good!
Rise my Sista, our destiny dictates that you you should.
Rise my Sista...
...Elevate like only a sista could.
Rise my sista -- without you our people would die.
Rise my Sista this brotha prays you would.
(c) Copyright 2010 Kamau Austin Montclair, NJ
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