Achieving Academic Excellence - Blueprint for African American Youth
Montclair Branch NAACP Education Committee Features...
Educator - Motivator - Author
Baruti K. Kafele
Place: United Way 60 S. Fullerton Ave. Montclair
When: Friday March 3 6pm - 9pm
Reason: Our Children Deserve the Best
For more info. Call Kelly Sweatt - 973-277-0058
Parenting for Achieving Academic Excellence (for parents) - An empowering series of workshops or keynote address providing strategies for parents to utilize towards motivation and inspiring their children to strive for academic excellence. Topics include: Defining a purpose for learning, culturally-based, goal setting, developing effective study skills and test-taking strategies, communication in the home, collaboration with the school, and handling distractions to success including obstacles, challenges, music, the media and peer pressure.
Educator - Motivator - Author
Baruti K. Kafele
Place: United Way 60 S. Fullerton Ave. Montclair
When: Friday March 3 6pm - 9pm
Reason: Our Children Deserve the Best
For more info. Call Kelly Sweatt - 973-277-0058
Parenting for Achieving Academic Excellence (for parents) - An empowering series of workshops or keynote address providing strategies for parents to utilize towards motivation and inspiring their children to strive for academic excellence. Topics include: Defining a purpose for learning, culturally-based, goal setting, developing effective study skills and test-taking strategies, communication in the home, collaboration with the school, and handling distractions to success including obstacles, challenges, music, the media and peer pressure.
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